komune di guyana prancis bahasa Inggris
- komune: commune
- di: about; at; at the; of which; on; there; where
- guyana: british guiana; republic of guyana; french
- guyana prancis: arrondissements of french guiana; french guiana
- prancis: france; french
- komune di departemen guyana prancis: communes of french guiana
- arondisemen di guyana prancis: arrondissements of french guiana
- arondisemen di departemen guyana prancis: arrondissements of the guyane department
- bandar udara di guyana prancis: airports in french guiana
- daftar kota di guyana prancis: list of cities in french guiana
- daftar komune di prancis: lists of communes of france
- gabungan komune di prancis: associated communes of france
- komune di prancis: communes of france
- komune dari departemen di prancis: communes of france
- pandemi covid-19 di guyana prancis: covid-19 pandemic in french guiana